Get 'em. Use 'em. Lose 'em.Formulated for your success and your health. ZXoom's product line is sensible, nutritious, pure, and natural. No magic pills, no instant anything, just stuff that's good for you.Built on the foundation of sound scientific and nutritional principles, ZXoom's products will not only assist you to lose weight, but will also help you feel better. No artificial sweetners. No stimulants. Nothing yucky. Even if you don't need to lose weight you will benefit by using these health-promoting products. Really. We're not kidding.Read about each product by selecting from the column on the left. There you will find information on how to use the product, why it works, and what's in it. Good stuff.
Liv SXinney
The Flagship ProductGet it. Drink it. Lose it.Liv SXinney is a concentrated blend of chlorophyll and fulvic minerals. You add the concentrate to water and drink it all day long. It balances your energy levels, gives you the needed minerals your body needs to feel healthy, and it tastes great. Drinking Liv SXinney literally floods your body with optimal nutrition.Benefits of Chlorophyll and Fulvic Minerals:
Deodorizes, detoxifies, and balances energy levels
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
Maintains proper body system balance
May improve immune system response
Helps to reduce cravings for sweets
There is so much that can be said for this product: how it hydrates your body, taking away thirst cravings that can often be mistaken for hunger pangs. When you drink Liv SXinney, you are retraining your body to know the difference between thirst and hunger. Another huge plus in Liv SXinney is the fulvic minerals. Our soils have been so depleted over the years by overfarming, the use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides, that even the very best fruits and vegetables do not have the minerals that we need on a daily basis. The body’s weightrelated functions, like appetite, hunger, metabolic rate, metabolism of fats and sugars, blood-glucose levels, calorie-burning, and so on, operate more efficiently when we have an optimum intake of minerals. Liv SXinney is full of fulvic minerals which are harvested from ancient plant beds rich in the minerals we need. When you drink Liv SXinney all day long, you are flooding your body with a constant source of healthy minerals. Liv SXinney is full of chlorophyll and what it does for the human body is amazing. It helps increase stamina and endurance which will help your success with a regular exercise program. When you drink Liv SXinney all day long, your body remains hydrated, mineral levels remain steady, and this gives you an excellent foundation upon which to build the LivFit Liv SXinney LifeStyle.Instructions:Mix 2 oz. of Liv SXinney in 32-64 oz. of water. Drink all day long. Use in conjunction with other LivFit Liv SXinney LifeStyle products.Ingredients:Fulvic Mineral Concentrate, Chlorophyllins, Purified Water, Methyl Paraben, Spearmint Oil, Propyl Paraben, and Stevia.
The Flagship ProductGet it. Drink it. Lose it.Liv SXinney is a concentrated blend of chlorophyll and fulvic minerals. You add the concentrate to water and drink it all day long. It balances your energy levels, gives you the needed minerals your body needs to feel healthy, and it tastes great. Drinking Liv SXinney literally floods your body with optimal nutrition.Benefits of Chlorophyll and Fulvic Minerals:
Deodorizes, detoxifies, and balances energy levels
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
Maintains proper body system balance
May improve immune system response
Helps to reduce cravings for sweets
There is so much that can be said for this product: how it hydrates your body, taking away thirst cravings that can often be mistaken for hunger pangs. When you drink Liv SXinney, you are retraining your body to know the difference between thirst and hunger. Another huge plus in Liv SXinney is the fulvic minerals. Our soils have been so depleted over the years by overfarming, the use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides, that even the very best fruits and vegetables do not have the minerals that we need on a daily basis. The body’s weightrelated functions, like appetite, hunger, metabolic rate, metabolism of fats and sugars, blood-glucose levels, calorie-burning, and so on, operate more efficiently when we have an optimum intake of minerals. Liv SXinney is full of fulvic minerals which are harvested from ancient plant beds rich in the minerals we need. When you drink Liv SXinney all day long, you are flooding your body with a constant source of healthy minerals. Liv SXinney is full of chlorophyll and what it does for the human body is amazing. It helps increase stamina and endurance which will help your success with a regular exercise program. When you drink Liv SXinney all day long, your body remains hydrated, mineral levels remain steady, and this gives you an excellent foundation upon which to build the LivFit Liv SXinney LifeStyle.Instructions:Mix 2 oz. of Liv SXinney in 32-64 oz. of water. Drink all day long. Use in conjunction with other LivFit Liv SXinney LifeStyle products.Ingredients:Fulvic Mineral Concentrate, Chlorophyllins, Purified Water, Methyl Paraben, Spearmint Oil, Propyl Paraben, and Stevia.
Totally Fun Fiber.Get it. Eat it. Lose it.cRave is our secret weapon against hunger and cravings. One packet of cRave contains 5 grams of tasty fiber that fill you up and help you stay on the program. cRave helps balance your blood sugar, gives you a “full” feeling, and provides doctor-recommended fiber, which is vitally important for gastrointestinal health.Benefits:
Helps you feel full so you eat less
Helps to lower cholesterol
Reduces risk of colon health issues
Benefits gastrointestinal health
Helps balance blood sugar
Stimulates growth of beneficial bacterial in the colon
Tastes greatDon’t think cRave is some chalky, nasty fiber supplement. Think citrus-tart candy, and you’d be much closer. If you reach for a packet of cRave when you want something sweet, you will be doing your body a great favor. cRave contains Fibersol® a new fiber that has great benefits. Fibersol® has been shown to reduce serum blood glucose and insulin levels, which may benefit diabetics, dieters and exercisers. Fibersol® is a prebiotic. A prebiotic is a nondigestible carbohydrate that stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria naturally residing in the colon. These helpful bacteria are referred to as probiotics. Probiotic bacteria promote health by inhibiting the growth of harmful pathogens thus reducing the potential for infections. cRave also contains inulin, a naturally-derived food fiber. Inulin has unusual nutritional characteristics. It increases calcium absorption and possibly magnesium absorption, while promoting the growth of intestinal bacteria. Nutritionally, it is considered a form of soluble fiber. Inulin has a minimal impact on blood sugar, making it potentially helpful in managing blood sugar-related illnesses.Science aside, adding cRave to your eating plan will help you eat less. There are many different ways to use cRave. The first is to just open a packet and pour it in your mouth a little at a time. Just let it moisten in your mouth and taste the sweet-tart goodness. Always have your Liv SXinney handy when you are taking cRave. The two always go hand in hand. In fact you can mix cRave in Liv SXinney and sip on it all day long. That way you are getting fiber into your system in a continuous flow. Many people report that this is their favorite way of using cRave.cRave is a great stop-gap measure when you feel like you need to eat something sweet or fattening. Open a package of cRave, and let the tangy flavor subdue your sweet tooth, and cRave yourself feeling full. It is an incredible help in those rough moments.Instructions:Eat 1/2 to 1 packet of cRave with each meal, as desired. cRave may also be mixed in Liv SXinney.Ingredients:Fibersol ™, Citrus Pectin, Guar Gum, Inulin, Fructose, Xylitol, Malic Acid, Natural Flavor, Stevia Extract.
The Inside-Out CleanerGet it. Use it. Lose it.This is the kick-start to the program. Use ClenzT for about two weeks once a month. This will help you eliminate waste and toxins that may be preventing you from losing weight and feeling good. You’ll feel lighter and have a bounce in your step. We consider it a moving experience.Benefits:
Supports normal bowel function
Helps the bowels in their normal detoxification process
Supports liver and kidney function
Cleansing agent for the liver ClenzT is formulated to assist your body to move out the excess waste and toxins that may have built up in your digestive system. Additionally, ClenzT works to support normal liver and kidney function. The primary function of the liver, kidneys and urinary system is to expel toxins that result from the body’s metabolism of food and drink. Sometimes, when we have had a diet high in refined foods, alcohol, and sugars, our “clean-up committee” doesn’t function optimally. When you change your diet to healthier foods, the body begins the natural process of detoxification. As the extra fat, sugars, and toxins are pushed through the liver and kidneys, the body needs extra support. With the typical American diet, the average number of bowel moments is two per week. Most doctors agree that a healthy elimination system would move twice a day. ClenzT gets your system moving on a normal cycle. Unlike many laxative-type products, ClenzT is very gentle. It doesn’t cause excess gas or cramping. It works with the natural rhythms of your body to eliminate in a more efficient manner. Treat yourself to a great morning when you wake up feeling filled with energy and ready to take on the day. ClenzT can help you have a happy morning, every morning.Instructions:Take 1-4 capsules of ClenzT at night every day for 2 weeks. Adjust dosage for best results. Capsules may be opened and mixed in water for a refreshing tea.Ingredients:Senna Leaf Extract, Natural Lemon Flavor, Citric Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Milk Thistle Seed Extract, Dandelion Root Extract.
Homeland Security in a bottleGet it. Use it. Protect it.BLoX is really like Homeland Security in a bottle. This rich blend of mushrooms and herbs has been formulated to benefit your immune system, which is your body’s security system, protecting you from invading terrorists. Scientific studies on the individual ingredients in BLoX have confirmed amazing results, which in the long run will help you feel healthy and stay healthy.Benefits of BLoX:
Supports the body’s immune system
Brings in immediate and powerful antioxidant-rich nutrients
Works with your body to fight against free radical damage
Builds your body’s own cellular protection against free radical damage
Balances your body’s own natural immune defense system If you come in contact with people, you need BLoX. If you have children who go to school, you need BLoX. If you shop at a grocery store where people have touched the shopping cart, the vegetables, or the place where you touch the key-pad to enter your PIN, you need BLoX. There are just too many places where your body’s defense systems may be tested. You can protect yourself more fully by taking BLoX on a daily basis. No one has time to slow down for illness, so you want to protect yourself before you get sick. Cold and flu seasons come several times a year, but this next time you can be ready to fight back. BLoX floods your body with antioxidants, and targets your immune system to boost it and strengthen it. When you do start to feel that scratchy throat or cough, nip it in the bud by increasing your BLoX intake.Instructions:Take 1-2 capsules daily. For periods of immune system stress, take 2-4 capsules daily.Ingredients:Tiaga, Agaricus, Maitake, Turkeytail, Dan Shen, Shitake, Astragalus, Lycci Berry
Your Heart's Best FriendGet it. Use it. Built it.Go is a power-packed L-Arginine supplement formulated to give you the energy you need for a successful workout. L-Arginine is a vitally important amino acid that has been studied for more than fifty years. L-Arginine is used to make nitric oxide, a compound in the body that relaxes blood vessels. Preliminary scientific studies have found that L-Arginine may help with conditions that improve when blood vessels are relaxed, such as atherosclerosis, erectile dysfunction. Additional studies have shown that L-Arginine may enhance immunity, promote the release of the Human Growth Hormone (HGH), and increase muscle mass.Benefits of L-Arginine:
Supports cardiovascular health
Enhances blood flow to vital organs
Combats the effects of premature cardiovascular aging
Anti-aging benefits
Supports healthy sexual performance
May aid in decreasing body fat
Maintains healthy blood sugar levels already in the normal range
May boost energy levels Go is great for the athlete, or the person who just wants some extra energy when they go to the gym. Regardless of your work-out level, Go can assist you in building more lean muscle mass. And we all know that more lean muscle mass in your body means you burn more calories lying on the couch with the remote control. Go can be added to your bottle of water when you go to the gym and sipped on throughout your workout. You can also put Go in your Liv SXinney and drink it all day long. However you choose to use it, Go is a supplement that is good for your heart, good for your muscles, and good to Go!Instructions:Mix one scoop of Go into 4-8 ounces of water. Stir to dissolve. If water is very cold, it may take up to 1 minute for product to dissolve completely. You can also add it to Liv SXinney water and drink it all day.Ingredients:L-Arginine, L-Glutamine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Citrulline, Isoleucine, Valine, Leucine, Fructose, Citric Acid, Xylitol, Natural Flavors, Malic Acid, Stevia, Beta-carotene (color).
"SXinney Minnies"Get it. Share it. Build it.SXinney Minnies are the perfect vehicle to get samples to new customers. Filled with 1 oz. of Liv SXinney, one sample pack is the perfect amount for a 32 oz. bottle of water.Liv SXinney is a concentrated blend of chlorophyll and fulvic minerals. You add the concentrate to water and drink it all day long. It balances your energy levels, gives you the needed minerals your body needs to feel healthy, and it tastes great. Drinking Liv SXinney literally floods your body with optimal nutrition.Benefits of Chlorophyll and Fulvic Minerals:
Deodorizes, detoxifies, and balances energy levels
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
Maintains proper body system balance
May improve immune system response
Helps to reduce cravings for sweets
There is so much that can be said for this product: how it hydrates your body, taking away thirst cravings that can often be mistaken for hunger pangs. When you drink Liv SXinney, you are retraining your body to know the difference between thirst and hunger. Another huge plus in Liv SXinney is the fulvic minerals. Our soils have been so depleted over the years by overfarming, the use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides, that even the very best fruits and vegetables do not have the minerals that we need on a daily basis. The body’s weightrelated functions, like appetite, hunger, metabolic rate, metabolism of fats and sugars, blood-glucose levels, calorie-burning, and so on, operate more efficiently when we have an optimum intake of minerals. Liv SXinney is full of fulvic minerals which are harvested from ancient plant beds rich in the minerals we need. When you drink Liv SXinney all day long, you are flooding your body with a constant source of healthy minerals. Liv SXinney is full of chlorophyll and what it does for the human body is amazing. It helps increase stamina and endurance which will help your success with a regular exercise program. When you drink Liv SXinney all day long, your body remains hydrated, mineral levels remain steady, and this gives you an excellent foundation upon which to build the LivFit Liv SXinney LifeStyle.Instructions:Mix 1 oz. of Liv SXinney in 32 oz. of water. Drink all day long. Use in conjunction with other LivFit Liv SXinney LifeStyle products.Ingredients:Fulvic Mineral Concentrate, Chlorophyllins, Purified Water, Methyl Paraben, Spearmint Oil, Propyl Paraben, and Stevia.
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